January 28 - May 20, 2025
Teens B2.2
Spadina Campus • 24 Spadina Road Toronto, ON, Canada M5R 2S7 Organized by Alliance Francaise of Toronto
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About this event
A curriculum that encourages adolescents to constantly interact through realistic, fun, and personal projects and activities in order to support their motivation. An insight on citizen values and the aspects of everyday life. The B2 level focuses on the efficiency of an argument: explain and defend an opinion during a discussion by providing appropriate explanations, arguments, and commentary; develop a point of view on a topic by discussing the advantages and disadvantages of different options; construct a logical argument; examine causes, consequences, and hypothetical situations.À plus 5: Unit 2We'll talk about sciences and neuroscience, with anunderstanding of scientific texts, temporalexpression, and complex negations.
Before starting this course, you should have completed level B2.1 or been assessed at level B2.2 through a placement test, within 6 months of the beginning of the course.
You need the A plus 5 textbook and exercise book for this course. The textbook and exercise book will be used for levels B2.1 to B2.6.
Age and Gender
Ages 10-18 · Co-Ed
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