Triathlon Training

Try Your Next Tri With Workouts, Advice and More

Triathlon Training Articles

Perfect Pre-Race Day Meal Plan

Take the guesswork out of what to eat the before your next triathlon or endurance race with this prerace day meal plan.

5 Tips for Female Triathletes

Approaching your triathlon experience from a woman's point of view can be much more rewarding than simply falling in line with the boys. Follow the...

5 IM 70.3 Nutrition Mistakes to Avoid

Don't let these common nutrition mistakes keep you from the finish line. Learn how your nutrition needs change as you move from Olympic to Ironman ...

Your Most Important Pre-Race Meal

Forget the big prerace pasta dinner. The most important meal 24 hours before your race is breakfast. And yes, it involves home fries.

5 Ways to Stay Cool on Race Day

There's simply no way you can race at your peak potential if your body isn't ready for the conditions. Here's what you need to know for your next "...

How to Handle the Mid-Season Slump

Given the yearround athletic lifestyle of the average triathlete, there comes a time of the season where things start to go south. Here's how to re...
