Radio-Meditation: For Habit of Thinking & Feeling Positive
PBCHS Bldg 5 Room 110 • 8499 Forest Hill Blvd Wellington, FL 33411 Organized by SDPBC | Adult and Community EducationAbout this event
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Why, so often, even if we try hard to stay healthy, think and feel positively, and hold a firm faith, everything seems to fall apart? Well, mainly because inappropriate living habits or external situations change our energy's natural flow and rhythm, dragging us into an out-of-tune field and interrupting our original connection with the universal wellness source. In order to restore this connection, we have to tune in our physical, mental, and spiritual currents regularly… and Radio-Meditation is one of the most effective tools to do just that. Some benefits include- Positive Mental & Emotional Development- Depression & Stress Management - Self-Connection & Spiritual AwakeningNOTE: During Radio-Meditation Class, expect gentle body movements, self-gathering, and self-expression moments. Wear comfortable clothing. Mat is optional; chairs are available for meditation. For more information, please visit
PBCHS Bldg 5 Room 110 at Palm Beach Central High School
Patricia Gaviria
Age and Gender
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