Mad Foodie Science! Our mad foodie scientists will create crazy food experiments and delicious recipes in the VegeCooking Science Lab (AKA the kitchen)! Let your kid come and learn a life skill while having fun this summer! We will LEARN to cook & LOVE our veggies! Kids will learn cooking basics - chopping, whisking, measuring, blending, etc. We will cook two recipes and conduct a science experiment/activity each day. They'll work both individually and as a team to create the recipe of the day. Then they will sample their creations. Classes are open to all children ages 5 and up. We have only 10 spots (minimum of 4 required). List of Dates: June 2-6 PLEASE have your young chef bring their own drink in a spill-proof container and a reusable to-go box. Contact us at 912-552-1799 OR with questions or comments!
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