College Recruiting Timeline for Lacrosse

Senior (12th Grade)

  • Take your official visits and compare schools
  • In October, the majority of schools have selected and received 90 percent of their class by this month
  • In November, the NLI (National Letter of Intent) signing date is early in this month. If you have chosen a school and will be receiving scholarship money, you will get an application from your school and signing papers from the NLI in early November
Note: When you sign, you agree to attend that institution for at least one academic year. If you fail to do so, you will lose two years eligibility and must sit out for two years at another college. The only exception is if you obtain a Qualified Release Agreement, in which case you must complete one year of residence there and lose one year of eligibility. These rules apply only to those institutions that participate in the NLI.

  • If you do not sign early, continue to email coaches and update them with your fall/winter schedule of tournaments you are attending
  • Pick your #1 school and apply early
  • Take the SAT at least once
  • Continue to contact and update coaches
  • Do not let your grades slip
  • Remain focused for the upcoming season
  • Play
  • Get ready for college!!
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