There are a number of things that can mean the difference between a disgruntled outdoorsman and a happy camper. Make sure you don't get left out in the cold with these tips for staying warm, dry and well fed while outdoors.
Stay Dry
Modern outdoor gear makes inclement weather almost irrelevant when it comes to camping. If you're prepared, you can still enjoy your outing come rain or shine. Here are a few things to carry just in case the weather turns:
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- Rain jacket: It's lightweight, waterproof and something you should carry even if rain isn't in the forecast.
- Extra socks: Always bring extra socks so you can slip on a dry pair at the end of a wet hike or a wet day.
- Extra shoes or boots: If one pair gets wet, you'll have a backup pair for hanging out at camp.
- Tarp and bungee cords: To sling up over the main area of camp so you have a dry place to hang out.
- Trash bags: To cover your backpack or use as rain ponchos.
More: 10 Tips for Camping in the Rain
Stay Warm
A warm camper is a happy camper. In fact, it's more important to stay warm than it is to stay dry. If you suspect you'll be camping in the rain or cold, bring extra layers with the right material to keep your body temperature up. Good base layers—top and bottom—wick moisture away from the skin and work with your body to regulate your core temperature.
Shop: Cold Weather Apparel
Stay Well Fed
Unless you're backpacking, there's no reason to skimp on good food. Be sure to bring full meals, hearty snacks and plenty of campfire beverages to fuel all of your outdoor adventures.
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