5 Softball Conditioning Drills

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Many coaches recognize the importance of softball conditioning. However, because there are so many things to achieve in practice, coaches often don't have time to include any conditioning work.

Here are a few softball drills that will help your team work on their skills while improving their conditioning at the same time.
1. Running Lap Tosses
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Purpose: To develop catching and throwing skills while conditioning. This drill uses time efficiently.

Procedure:Partners are about six feet apart and play catch as they run using underhand tosses. They can run a full lap or in a straight line down the field and back. The drill develops players' catching and throwing skills and takes their minds off running.
2. Merry-Go-Round
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Purpose: For infielders to warm up or work on conditioning while fielding ground balls.

Procedure: Players form two fielding lines at opposite corners of the infield; one to the left of second base and one at home. Be careful that the players in line at second don't trip over the base.

Two hitters hit or throw from the pitching circle area, one to each line. Players field and run to the end of the opposite line. Hitters hit ground balls, fly balls, range balls, line drives, and scoops.

Players return the ball to their hitter or place it in a bucket at the line they are running to. Hitters should have a bucket of extra balls to replace balls that fielders miss so the drill can be done at a steady pace.
3. Weave Drill
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Purpose: To improve softball conditioning for outfielders while catching fly balls.

Procedure: Four players start in a line in left field. A tosser throws a ball to the first player, who fields and throws the ball back to the tosser and then runs toward center field to catch another ball thrown by the same person.

The fielder returns that ball to another tosser at second base, who repeats the sequence as the fielder continues to run toward right field. A third thrower at first base repeats the sequence. Fielders wait in right field and then repeat the drill going the other way. This is a good drill for all players.
4. Pitchers Field and Cover First
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Purpose: To practice fielding all types of balls after delivering a pitch. This is an excellent conditioning drill as well.

Procedure: The drill works best with at least three pitchers, a catcher, and a hitter. If you don't have three pitchers, another player may play first and pitchers rotate only on the mound.

Pitchers form a single-file line at the mound, and one pitcher is at first to catch the throw. The pitcher pitches the ball to the catcher, and the hitter hits a ground ball back to the pitcher for fielding practice. The pitcher fields, throws to first, and then rotates to first to receive the throw from the next pitcher. After catching at first, the receiver rotates to the end of the fielding line.

Vary the type of balls hit, hitting to each side of the pitcher and bunting and slapping as well. Include a sequence of having pitchers look imaginary runners back before making the throw.
5. Random-Ball Conditioning
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Purpose: To practice throws to bases and improve softball conditioning for catchers.

Procedure: Randomly place six to eight balls in front of home. From the squat position the catcher explodes and throws to a receiver at the base, hustles back into catching position, and continues until all of the balls have been thrown. Repeat the drill with the catcher throwing to a different base.