---Instructor: Ty Edwards--- Ever had the itch to create your own piece of drama? Do you have a unique story to tell (hint: everyone does!), have you ever wondered, "What exactly is 'Solo Theatre'?" Or ever wondered what it takes to create, edit, rehearse, and debut a one-person show? Then this workshop is for you! We'll cover the fundamentals of writing for solo, creating characters, putting your show on its feet, and seeing it through to opening night, and maybe evening touring! Learn tried and true methods developed by Soaring Solo Studios in Los Angeles from an experienced, award-winning solo theatre artist and writer who debuted his first solo show at one of the biggest Fringe Festivals in the US. *Students in this course will have the option to present material they create in class on the mainstage at the Annual Spring Showcase, May 1st & 2nd. (Participation is optional.)