- The Links at Stono Ferry
- The Lionheart School
- The Little Theatre of Alexandria
- The Little Theatre of Winston-Salem
- The Littlest Angel Foundation, Inc.
- The Living Center-Youth Enrichment Services
- The Living Earth School
- The London Basketball Association
- The London Centre for Children with Cerebral Palsy
- The Long Island Academy of Fine Art
- The Louis Tewanima Association
- The Louisiana Blue Crab Run
- The Lunatic Triathlon
- The MacDuffie School
- The Main Street Academy
- The Majors Golf Club
- The Mandell School
- The Marion Made Challenge
- The Mark Forester Foundation
- The Market at Rutland Farms
- The Martial Arts Training Centre
- The Master's College Athletics
- The Master's University Athletics
- The McCourt Foundation
- The Meadows Golf Course
- The Mental Health Association of Westchester
- The Messy Artist LLC
- The Miami Valley School
- The MILA Foundation
- The Mini Maker LLC
- The MLK Jr Drive Merchant's Association
- The MOM center of Fredericksburg
- The Monastery
- The Monkey Gym Inc.
- The Montessori School
- The Montessori School of San Antonio
- The Moon Joggers
- The Mountain Community School
- The Municipality of the District of Chester
- The Munroe Center for the Arts
- The Museum of Fine Arts Glassell Junior School
- The Museum of Flight ACE
- The Music School
- The Music Settlement
- The Music Village
- The Musical Offering
- The Myton Hospices
- The Nash
- The National Bowling Association - Southern Regional Tournament