The short daylight hours or winter weather will force most triathletes and cyclists to an indoor bicycle trainer in the coming months. In the beginning, entertaining yourself for 30 to 60 minutes seems easy. However, it doesn't take long for indoor bike rides to become tedious.
In a previous column, I gave you two indoor cycling workouts to improve your climbing. This column will add two more workouts to your arsenal of indoor cycling entertainment. For both workouts, some intensity levels are suggested. You can fine-tune the intensities to meet your training needs. Where no intensity levels are indicated, select your own.
Workout #1: 60 Minutes, Mixed Intensity
Training intensity explained:
Download your training plan:
Workout #2: 39 to 63 Minutes, Rolling Hills
Keep Spinning in the Winter Months
By adding some structure and variety to your indoor workouts, time passes more quickly and increases the likelihood that you won't cut the workout--and yourself--short.