In my early days of cycling, a trip to the bike shop was as exciting as it was terrifying. I knew little to nothing about the mysterious bits and pieces of hardware and gear that lined the shelves, a fact I made abundantly clear with every purchase I made. One of my first purchases was a water bottle cage, or "that thingy you put on your bike to hold a water bottle." I carefully inspected the wall of cages, trying to determine what, besides color, differentiated them. After staring blankly at the wall for 20 minutes, I asked for help. Based on my described needs, the salesperson recommended a sensible, mid-range cage. I smiled and took it from him, thanking him for his help.
As soon as he walked away, I put it back, convinced I had been swindled. The cage he suggested was ridiculously light, probably made of cheap plastic and cost close to $20! There was a much sturdier, heavier metal one for less than half the price, which I smugly bought and installed, adding about four pounds of weight to my bike. I followed a similar logic for selecting my saddle, which was about the size of a small loveseat. It didn't take long for me to discover my error, and thanks to experience, research and the mentorship of others, I now understand the rule of inverse proportionality as it applies to the weight and cost of bicycles, their parts and their accessories.