In a group of good cyclists (see: pro peloton), a mechanical in the pack will look like Moses parting the seas. The issue is communicated, and the group smoothly sails around it before coming back together. But in a group ride, this could look like a 15-car pile-up if you're not careful.
We can't predict exactly what's going to go down, but no matter the situation, it's your job to look for the open space.
"Don't slam on your brakes, try to keep moving forward if possible, and look for the opening to keep the group safe," Parsons says.
If you have to move off onto uneven surface like gravel or a chopped road shoulder, just keep pedaling to maintain traction.
Most importantly, don't rubberneck.
"I find that riders will stare at what's happening, and that's a surefire way to end up in the middle of what's happening," she says. "Your bike will follow your gaze so train yourself to look for the space that's open. Don't look at the thing you don't want to hit."