National Pizza Party Day!
Veterans Memorial Building (VMB) • 115 E. Prospect Avenue Danville, CA 94526 Organized by TOWN OF DANVILLEAbout this event
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Having a blast on National Pizza Party Day is no pie-in-the-sky idea. Although mainly thought of as an Italian dish, pizza has seemingly existed forever. The ancient Greeks used to flavor their flatbread with oils, herbs, and cheese, while Persian soldiers used to bake their own pizzas on the hot surfaces of their shields. Traditional pizza is also known as Neapolitan pizza, and it originates—as the name suggests—from Naples, around the middle of the 16th century. Italian immigrants later introduced the dish to their new American compatriots, and eventually, pizza became the savory crowd-pleaser we know it to be today. Join us for a Pizza Party and lets celebrate all things pizza!
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VMB: Community Hall A w/ Kitchen at Veterans Memorial Building (VMB)
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National Pizza Party Day!
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