For those who don't know, stock photos are downloadable images that online publications pay a fee to use as part of their articles. And though there’s plenty of great photo options out there, occasionally you stumble across, well, let’s just call them "wildcards."
We compiled a list of the strangest stock photos we’ve seen recently. Take a look.
Elephant Karate
2 of 16Caption: "Karate man fights with elephant."
Our money is on the elephant.
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Fitness ArticlesFish Chess
3 of 16Caption: "Fish Chess."
There's really no relation to fitness here, but this came up when using the keywords "fitness" and "weird," and it was just too good to leave out. Maybe it's because "fish-chess" and "fit-ness" kinda rhyme?
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Fitness ArticlesFitness Santa
4 of 16Caption: "Fitness Santa."
He knows when you've been lifting. He knows when you've been binge-watching Netflix and eating ice cream.
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Fitness ArticlesGrandma
5 of 16Caption: "Grandma Weightlifting in Living Room."
This doesn't look like the most comfortable workout attire, but more power to her. Also, her form needs some work—get those elbows in.
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Fitness ArticlesGrassboarding
6 of 16Caption: "Colorful Couple Snowboarding on the Grass in Green Field."
Are they shreddin' powder or shreddin' grass? Also, what are they looking at? It's nothing but green grass ahead.
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Fitness ArticlesLet's Do This!
7 of 16Caption: "Let's do this!"
Is that an apple or a stress ball? Either way, you have to love the enthusiasm portrayed in the caption.
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Fitness ArticlesLuchadores
8 of 16Caption: "Mexican luchadores bootcamp training."
Exercise bikes in a pool? Is that a thing?
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Fitness ArticlesMud Run
9 of 16Caption: "People Having Fun During Mud Obstacle."
Those aren't people. Those are zombies.
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Fitness ArticlesNerd
10 of 16Caption: "Nerd Young Man Exercising with Weights."
Are those weights 24-karat gold? Also, that caption is a bit offensive.
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Fitness ArticlesOffice Worker
11 of 16Caption: "Exercising Office Worker."
This guy is definitely not proficient at Excel. Cool headband, though.
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Fitness ArticlesRoller Jump
12 of 16Caption: "Roller Jump."
If this is real, it's easily the most impressive picture. Standing on a balance board with roller blades would be incredibly hard. Add jumping rope to the equation, and that's some serious talent.
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Fitness ArticlesSocial Networking Underwater
13 of 16Caption: "Social Networking Underwater."
If it's not on Facebook, it didn't happen.
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Fitness ArticlesSplits
14 of 16Caption: "Fat Man Does the Splits."
All jokes aside, this is pretty impressive (his flexibility, not the Photoshop job).
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Fitness ArticlesStrawberry Beach
15 of 16Caption: "Strawberry Beach."
Honestly, we just don't know anymore.
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