3 Muscle Balance Tests to Do at Home

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  1. Hip Rotation:
  • Lie flat on your back.
  • Rest your legs so they are about shoulder width apart.
  • While keeping your knee straight, slowly rotate one leg in and then rotate your leg out. Repeat with the other leg.
  • Questions: Is one side rotating more than the other? Are you experiencing any pain during this test? Can you rotate your legs without bending your knee at all?
Again, your range of motion may vary, but both sides should be the same, and there should not be any pain or discomfort during the test if your hip muscles are properly balanced.


Next Steps


If you answered yes to one or more of the questions in the Range of Motion tests above, it is important to recognize these imbalances and try to even out the stress we put on our muscles. For example, if you tend to carry your suitcase on your left side, carry it on the right side an equal amount of time.


It may also be beneficial to consult a professional who specializes in the muscular system. These professionals can help identify muscle imbalances and provide in-office and at-home treatments to balanced the body.


It is also important to realize that we put a lot of stress on our bodies on a daily basis. Eating healthy and getting proper rest will help heal, restore and rejuvenate your muscles.

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