No matter what you call it, though, your gluteal muscles are critical for keeping your body in alignment and aiding efficient movement, especially in the hips. Weak glutes can impact your efficiency and strength, affecting how you run, squat, jump and do other common forms of activity. It's important to build those muscles to keep your hips aligned and rotating properly.
National Academy of Strength and Medicine certified personal trainer Kathleen Uhran, who founded She Rocks Fitness, recommends six exercises to work your glutes. These moves will not only improve your range of motion, but also keep your backside tight and firm, providing the toned look many women strive for.
Romanian Deadlift with Dumbbells
1 of 13Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Grab a pair of dumbbells and rest them on the front of your hips. Hold the weights with your arms straight and your palms facing your body.
Romanian Deadlift with Dumbbells Part 2
2 of 13With a straight back and a slight bend in the knees, slowly bend forward, reaching the dumbbells toward the ground. Once your back is at 90 degrees, slowly come back. You should feel tension in your hamstrings and lower glutes.
Suggested Weight and Frequency: Start with 10- to 20-pound dumbbells. Perform 3 sets of continuous reps for 1 minute each with 1-minute breaks in between.
Sumo Squat with Dumbbell
3 of 13Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and toes slightly pointed out. Hold a dumbbell at chest level with one hand on each side of the top part of the weight.
Sumo Squat with Dumbbell Part 2
4 of 13Perform a squat. Be sure to keep your back straight and your knees behind your toes.
Suggested Weight and Frequency: Start with a 20- to 30-pound dumbbell. Perform 3 sets of continuous reps for 1 minute each with 1-minute breaks in between.
Doodle Bug
5 of 13Get into a sumo squat position. Place your elbows inside your knees and lower your butt so that your knees are at 90 degrees.
Doodle Bug Part 2
6 of 13Lift your butt up and slowly lower your back to 90 degrees.
Suggested Frequency: Perform 3 sets of continuous reps for 1 minute each with 1-minute breaks in between.
Hip Thrust with Dumbbell
7 of 13Lie on the ground with your feet planted and knees up. Hold a dumbbell on your hips with one hand on each side.
Hip Thrust with Dumbbell Part 2
8 of 13Raise your hips upward into a bridge position, squeezing your glutes throughout the movement. Lower your butt back onto the ground to complete the rep.
Suggested Weight and Frequency: 10- to 20-pound dumbbell. Perform 3 sets of continuous reps for 1 minute each with 1-minute breaks in between.
Hip Thrust on Bench
9 of 13Lie on the ground with your right foot planted up on a bench and left leg in the air.
Hip Thrust on Bench Part 2
10 of 13With no added weight, raise your hips upward into a bridge position, squeezing your glutes throughout the movement. Lower your butt back onto the ground to complete the rep. Repeat the movement with your left foot on the bench.
Suggested Frequency: Perform 1 set on each side; 1 minute each with a 1-minute break in between
11 of 13Stand in front of a weight bench or elevated step. Step up with your right leg and raise yourself up.
Step-Ups Part 2
12 of 13Briefly balance on your leg with a slight bend in your knee. Step back down. Repeat the movement with your left leg.
Suggested Frequency: Perform 3 sets of alternating reps for 1 minute each with 1-minute breaks in between.
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