Celebrating Success
The plan's goal is to help you begin and maintain a fitness routine. Establishing a new habit takes time and consistency. Taking notice of seemingly small steps toward your ultimate goal helps keep you motivated and on track. How you celebrate each step or subgoal is up to you. Treat yourself with a new piece of fitness gear, a movie, a new clothing item, a massage, etc.
Here are some subgoals I suggest you take time to notice and celebrate:
- Three weeks and nine workouts completed
- Six weeks and 16 to 18 workouts completed
- Nine weeks and 24 to 27 workouts completed
- Twelve weeks and 32 to 36 workouts completed
- Completing 3.1 miles in one workout
- Maintaining fitness by doing three workouts a week for three weeks after the 3.1-mile event
- Maintaining fitness by doing three workouts a week for six weeks after the 3.1-mile event
Make Your Goals Routine
Looking for motivation to begin or maintain a fitness program? Take a look at the following benefits you'll enjoy with exercise. And once you establish the habit of fitness, it becomes as routine as brushing your teeth. Regular workouts are just another part of what you do to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Exercise Benefits Most people know that they should exercise, but sometimes they lose sight of why it's so important. The Surgeon General reports that physical activity can have several positive benefits for women: