What Meditation Is
Meditation allows you time to unplug and sit quietly.
It’s easy to feel disconnected from your own mind in a world of constant stimulation. Our brains are always processing—from the sounds we hear to the sights we see, every second of every day. This can overwhelm our nervous system, which can lead to greater stress.
By sitting quietly with your eyes closed and taking deep breaths, we give our minds a chance to be quiet. Start doing this regularly, and, you’ll begin to actually hear the thoughts that swirl around inside of your head. These thoughts inform us about how we feel on a day-to-day basis and about our relationships with ourselves and with others. It’s an invaluable window to our inner self.
Getting Started
The act of meditating does not have to be complicated. Just commit yourself to regularly unplugging and simply listening to your thoughts in ways that work for you.
Sit quietly on a bench or at home, go on a walk without music, run, jog or do yoga. It can all lead to the same place. But you have to make the commitment to yourself that your mental health is just as important as your physical health. And just like we train our bodies to be strong and resilient, we can train our minds as well, through the practice of meditation.
If you’re like me and enjoying having structure, then check out An Athlete's Guide to Meditation, which includes a five-week meditation plan for beginners.
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