Fitness Tips

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Fitness Articles & Advice

How Yoga Detoxes and Restores the Body

If you're feeling a little lethargic, bloated and heavy, it may be time to detox and refresh your mind and body. Feel strong and healthy, and learn...

8 Tips for Long-Term Heart Health

February is Hearth Health Month, which is a great time to reevaluate your habits and take the necessary steps to prevent heart disease.

Is It OK to Exercise When Sick?

Being sick can put a big damper on many things, including your fitness plan. Use this cold and flu survival guide to find out when it's OK to work ...

The Solution to Doping in Sports

Doping can be found in numerous sports. Active contributor Doug Robertson offers one audacious solution to fight the problem.

2 Interval Training Plans to Build Speed

Put some pep into your workouts by trying one of these two interval training plans that will help you improve your fitness level and your running t...


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