Fitness Tips

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Fitness Articles & Advice

3 Exercise Tests to Assess Fitness Levels

Whether you're a fitness badass or a couchpotato convert, everyone can benefit from testing their fitness levels. Perform these three simple tests ...

How to Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Don't let another resolution fail. Use the S.M.A.R.T. system to help you reach your New Year's Goals.

How Music Can Enhance Your Workout

Many fitness buffs and endurance athletes put their headphones on and tune the world out during physical activity. Why? Learn how music impacts you...

3 Foods for Fast Muscle Recovery

After an exasperating workout, your muscles are tired, sore and hungry for fuel. These three nutrientdense foods will nourish your aching muscles a...

How to Test Flexibility to Avoid Injury

A key to ward off overuse injuries is flexibility, which can be improved through stretching and strengthening techniques. Perform this simple test ...


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