Short on time or need a change of pace? Learn what tabata training is and how you can get a butt-blasting workout done in four minutes.
Take charge of your health. Understand each stage of breast cancer and know what questions you should ask your doctor.
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Active spoke to three female athletes who fought the battle against breast cancer and are now spreading ...
Whether it's rehab or pre-hab, strengthen your shoulders with these four exercises.
If you or someone you know has been affect by breast cancer, incorporate yoga into your daily activities. The benefits greatly help cancer patients...
Take a stand to cancer and control your health with these seven ways to prevent breast cancer.
Whether you have breast cancer or not, stay active to help stand-up to cancer.
Here are four women who have fought, supported and continue to walk to find a cure.
Food is fuel, and fuel powers our workouts. For that reason, is it OK to work out on an empty stomach?