5 Ways to Live a Fit Life

Ready to make a change in your lifestyle? Here are five things you may not have thought about that will help you reach your fitness goals.

By Roman Mica

How to Get in Shape on a Budget

Getting in shape doesn't have to be expensive. Learn how to break a sweat without breaking the bank.

By Michael Clarke

10 Full-Body BOSU Ball Exercises

From mountain climbers to push-ups, build core strength and burn calories with these 10 moves that are all done on the BOSU ball.

By Fara Rosenzweig

3 Core Exercises to Strengthen Your Back

Whether you have back pain or balance issues, core work is crucial to help you overcome these problems. Add these three exercises to your fitness r...

By Michael Clarke

How to Get a Solid Workout With the Rowing Machine

Don't you hate it when you're at the gym and every cardio machine is occupied? All, but one...the rowing machine. Boost your endurance and get a so...

By Scott Yorko

Playground Fitness: 6 Cross-Training Games

Is your same old training routine starting to get boring? Why not switch it up with these fun kid-like games that utilize all your muscles without ...

By Doug Robertson

How to Train for an Obstacle Course That's Right for You

Whether you're looking for something fun or a new challenge, obstacle course racing can certainly fulfill your needs. Learn what type of race is ri...

By Joe Vennare

How to Use Hiking to Improve Your Fitness

The sun is shining and that treadmill could use a break: Go take a hike. Hiking can help improve health and fitness and?it's fun.

By Kirsten Korosec