f you’ve been trying to achieve your goals but it hasn’t worked, it’s time to try something new.
Tired of doing the same old thing? These three outdoor routines will help you venture off the beaten path and take your workout to a whole new level.
Find out how yoga can benefit your golf swing and use these three poses to improve your game.
Kick your butt into shape, literally, with this intense, do-anywhere workout.
Make the most of your time with these four moves that will rev up your metabolism, burn fat, and build muscle. All you need is 15 minutes.
Test your strength, endurance and flexibility to determine how fit you really are.
From setting goals to following through on your workouts, learn how to start 2013 off on the right track with these five tips.
In CrossFit people flip tires, throw sledgehammers, and other weird athletic combinations...so how is this a sport? Learn the fundamentals behind C...
Stop overuse injuries before they crop up by trying this easy, do anywhere exercise.