1 Wednesday, April 16, 6:00 -8:30 pm Surreal Portraits: Dream Résumé Taught by Natalie Schmidt, 16+ $28 Member / $31 Non-member The Surrealist game of “dream résumé” involves visually documenting the events and achievements of one's dream(s). In this class, students will create dream résumés of their own, incorporating self-portraiture, mixed media experimentation, and Surrealist techniques (ex: automatism, collage, the cut-up technique, etc.). - Natalie Schmidt is a Delaware based multimedia artist known for her intimate, dreamlike work. In 2024, she graduated with a BFA in Fine Arts from the University of Delaware. Schmidt's work has been displayed in many exhibitions and has garnered numerous accolades, including the Lynn Herrick Sharp Award and the Society of Publication Designer's First in Photography Student Award. Students will provide both their canvas (paper, wood, stretched canvas, etc.) and their primary medium(s) (graphite, colored pencils, watercolor, acrylic, etc.). Students must also bring scissors for collaging purposes. As this is a self portrait class, students are required to bring a portrait reference of themselves. This can be a printed photo, a photo on their phone, a mirror, or, if desired, students can create self portraits from memory. Students should also have a general sense of the dream(s) they would like to portray. This class is centered on mixed media experimentation. While many collage elements will be provided, students may supply their own if desired. All student provided mediums must be able to be used within the NAA classroom with manageable set-up/takedown processes. Due to ventilation/classroom size concerns, please do not bring oil paint, spray paint, etc.