6 Habits for Healthier Eating

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Whether it’s relaxing in the bath before bedtime, or stealing a quiet moment for your morning coffee, there’s ritual and routine everywhere in your life, even if you don’t realize it. You can even use the nature of habit to work for your health and nutrition needs. 

Here are a few routines you can start doing to improve your health and overall quality of life.

Break Out the Nice Dishes
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That lovely china or your favorite Pottery Barn dishes aren't meant to just be admired—use them for your everyday meals. Fancier dishes will help you take a little more time to appreciate your food and, when you treat every meal this way, it makes mindless snacking less appealing.
Sit Down While Eating
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It can seem like a simple act, but sitting down at a table (not in bed) for meals is a great way to appreciate your meals and help you slow down. When we slow down to eat, we tend to feel fuller and more satisfied with what we ate, no matter what's on the plate in front of us.
Get Out of the Office
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Make it a point to keep your desk a work-only zone. Translation? Get out for lunch. If it's nice outside, enjoy a picnic at a local park. If you're short on time, it's still worth it to hit the break room for a 10-minute break. It's great for your mental health and eating schedule.
Create a Menu
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Love the restaurant dining experience? Bring it home with a fun chalkboard drawn up with the week's dinners or keep a dry erase board on the fridge with the day's meals. Not only will it help you stick to your goals, but it also makes mealtime more significant.
Socialize Your Food
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From well-lit and filtered Instagram images to lunch competition apps like Luncher, social media outlets can help you show off your creations while getting a miniature confidence boost for your nutritious choices.
Enjoy Food Selection
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Selecting foods at the grocery store shouldn't be a chore, but an enjoyable experience. Smell the fresh produce, consider taste and even look for a store where you can sample foods as you shop (such as a farmer's market). It builds the excitement for a nutritious meal and makes processed foods less appealing than fresh ones.
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