10 Cooking Hacks for Your Next Camping Trip

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Whipping up tasty eats on a camping trip is the ultimate test of culinary improvisation. But instead of giving up and settling for canned soup or Chef Boyardee, try one of these 10 hacks to create a delicious dish when your tools are limited.
No. 1 Camping with Eggs
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Putting eggs inside a cooler in the back of a pickup truck is not a gamble you want to make. So you won't end up with a complete disaster on your hands, crack and stir up as many eggs as you'll need in a bowl ahead of time and pour into a plastic bottle or container. This will make transportation much easier and cut down on your potential for a messy situation. When it's time to cook, simply pour the mixture into your hot pan.
No. 2 Premixed Pancakes
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Similar to the egg hack, instead of bringing a box of pancake mix along with other necessary ingredients, mix the ingredients at home and pour into a plastic zip lock bag or container. You can store the mixture inside the cooler until you're ready for your early morning flapjacks.
No. 3 Morning Brew Without the Coffee Pot
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Just because you're away from home doesn't mean you have to settle for instant coffee. To drink your favorite morning brew, simply place your coffee grounds inside a coffee filter and tie it off with dental floss or a piece of string. Place the coffee/filter in a pot of boiling water and you'll have a delicious cup of Joe in no time.
No. 4 No Oven Cinnamon Rolls
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Chances are you aren't going to bring along an oven and a baking sheet to cook your cinnamon rolls. But you know what works just as well? Orange peels. Cut an orange in half, remove the contents without breaking apart the peel and place your premade cinnamon roll inside. Put the orange peel inside your skillet over a campfire and watch the sweet magic at work.
No. 5 Easy Seasoning
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Nothing is worse than bland camping food. While you probably won't want to pack your entire spice cabinet, you can bring along plenty of spices pretty easily without taking up much room. Pour any spices you'd like to bring inside a plastic straw. You can either seal the ends of the straw with tape, or do it like a pro by heating each end with a lighter for a few seconds. Just don't forget to label so you don't mistake your sugar for salt.
No. 6 Cheesy Dogs
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If you don't already know, foil should be your best friend on a camping trip. One easy way to make you and your kids happy around meal time is to cook your hotdogs in tin foil. This makes it easy to spice things up by stuffing them with string cheese, wrapping them in bacon or whatever else suits you. Rotate your foil dogs over an open flame for some serious goodness.
No. 7 Don't Forget the Popcorn
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You don't need a movie to enjoy popcorn. Cut a rectangular hole in the side of a soda can with a flap. Pour a few teaspoons of vegetable or olive oil along with a few tablespoons of kernels inside the mouth of the can and set on a flat rock or grill rack over the flame. The popped kernels will come out of your rectangular cutout, so keep a cooking pan near the opening to catch your piping hot, just-popped treat.
No. 8 Keep Your Cooler Cold
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It won't matter what meal tricks you bring along if your cooler gets warm and your food ends up spoiled. While ice cubes will melt pretty quickly, solid blocks of ice won't. Before you leave for your trip, freeze a few large Ziplock bags full or even a few empty milk jugs filled with water to keep your cooler cold for much longer.
No. 9 Stuffed Banana S'Mores
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For an extra-special treat, think beyond graham crackers and marshmallows. For a tasty twist on the classic s'more, slice a banana lengthwise with the peel still on. Stuff the banana with your favorite toppings (think mini marshmallows, crushed graham crackers, chocolate and peanut butter chips) and wrap in foil. Place on the grill and wait for the deliciousness to melt.
No. 10 No Skillet Steak
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If you like to take the minimalist approach, you can still have your steak or other favorite meat without having to bring along the skillet. Wrap your meat in cabbage, then place it inside a sheet of foil and set it directly on the coals. This extra layer will create an additional barrier to help retain moisture and keep your dinner from overcooking.