Clean Camping With DIY Papertowel Holder
We always bring a clothing hanger with us when we go camping. We cut the bottom wire, spring it open and insert a paper towel roll. To keep it out of the way, we hang it from a tree limb or another readily available place close to the table and cooking area.
Submitted By: Sandy Dodson
More: Campfire Cooking Tips for Foodies
Keep the Dirt Out
We use a woven grass mat in front of our tent entrance to keep the dirt on the outside rather than the inside. Our rule: Wipe your feet before coming into the tent.
Submitted By: Mary Gessner
Clean Camping: Your Garbage
When camping, we use a pop up hamper as a garbage can. It has a zipper lid to keep animals out and it collapses to store easily in the camper. If it gets soiled, we just hose it and let it dry.
Submitted By: Sue Miller
More: Campfire Starters That Never Fail
DIY Sink for Dishes
Use a five gallon jug with a spigot and place it sideways atop a picnic table. If you place a standard dish tub underneath to catch the water, it is like having a kitchen sink at your site. Put some liquid soap and a dish brush nearby to help with the process.
Submitted By: Andrew Yant
Sanitizing Screened Shelters
Bring along a broom, mop, buckets and hose when camping in a screened shelter. You can mop your shelter's concrete floor with a solution of bleach water, then hose down the inside of the shelter. It takes a little longer to unpack but will sanitize the floor and eliminate spiders from nesting in your tent.
Submitted By: Kathy Gunderson