Use 5K and 10K Distances to Improve Your Marathon

Training for a marathon? Utilize 5K and 10K races along the way as vehicles to improve your overall performance.

By Pete Rea

The Journey from Couch to 5K: An Unexpected Finish

Our Couch to 5K runner may not have had the perfect finish she expected, but that doesn't mean she didn't accomplish her biggest goals.

By Meredith Bland

A Marathon Training Approach for a PR

As runners mature in the marathon distance, many seek that next-level performance, which requires a next-level approach.

By Pete Rea

6 Reasons the Hot Chocolate Run is the Sweetest Race in Town

The Hot Chocolate 15K/5K isn’t just a sweet race because of the delicious treats throughout the course. Here’s everything to know before signing up.

By Mark Bauer

The Journey from Couch to 5K: Mastering the Long Run

Our Couch to 5K runner tackled the second half of her training—and went farther than she ever thought possible.

By Meredith Bland

What to Expect at Your First 5K

You’ve put in the miles for training; now use these tips to stave off any pre-race nerves you might have before toeing the starting line.

By Mark Bauer

What You’re Really Thinking While You Run

It is true that we runners love to run. But it’s also true that sometimes we really hate it. So, what’s actually going through our heads during a r...

By Kolby Paxton

Bench to 5K: I Replaced Football with Running—and Learned to Love It

I used to hate running. Now I’m the running editor at, and I’m training for my first marathon. So, what happened?

By Kolby Paxton