5 Tips From 2 Pro Runners on How to Run a 5K PR

Two of the world's fastest runners weigh in on what it takes to run a personal record at your next 5K.

By Sarah Wassner Flynn

Why Barefoot Running Is BS

You've probably heard that barefoot running will make you faster, stronger and more efficient. But is it true? Find out why it might not be a good ...

By Marc Lindsay

Infographic: Male Runners vs. Female Runners

Are running motivators different for men and women? Are women more active on social media than men? See how you stack up against the runners survey...

By Active.com and Running USA

5 Essential Hill Workouts That Make You Faster

Ready to embrace a good climb? Here are five of Coach Jenny's favorite workouts to help you become a hill lover, not a fighter.

By Jenny Hadfield

23 Strategies for Running Your Best 5K

To run your best 5K, your need to combine running with strength and power training. Learn how, plus more strategies to race your fastest 5K.

By Sabrina Grotewold

How Often Should You Race During Marathon Training?

Racing—whether to race at all and how often—during a marathon preparatory period is a controversial topic among coaches. Here's an end ...

By Pete Rea

Is Your Training Pace Fast Enough?

To get faster, you'll need to work the aerobic and anaerobic systems. Here's how you can incorporate a variety of workouts so you can avoid a perfo...

By Jason Fitzgerald

How to Prep the Week Before Your First Race

Start prepping for your first race at least a week before. Here's what you need to do and eat to perform at your best.

By Runner's World