How to Run a PR at Your Next 5K or 10K With Negative Splits

If you're in the hunt for a 5K or 10K PR, a slight negative split, meaning that the second half of the race should be faster than the first half, s...

By Jay Johnson

If Running Feels Too Hard, Try This

Running is for everyone, no matter your experience, age or size. It doesn't have to be hard, and it doesn't have to hurt. You just need the right a...

By Danny Dreyer

3 Workouts to Run Your Fastest 5K

Many runners think because this race is short, they don't have to train well for it, but that's a mistake. Learn how to build fitness specifically ...

By Jason Fitzgerald

Pacing Strategies for Popular Running Distances

You can do everything right leading up to an event only to blow it on race day. Learn how to pace properly for the most common running distances so...

By Nicole Weidensaul

3 Things You're Not Doing But Should to Run a Faster 5K

If you want to run a faster 5K but have plateaued, then it's probably because you're not doing these three things.

By Caitlin Chock

Your Fool-Proof Guide to Half Marathon Training

Whether you're training for your first or tenth half marathon, learn how to train effectively in as little as four days a week. Our guide will get ...

By Jay Johnson

How to Plan Your Racing Season

If you run the same races and distances year after year, it's time to switch things up. Here's how to plan your ultimate racing season.

By Pete Rea

9 Running Races in Wine Country

Beautiful scenery, wine tasting and running--what more could you ask for? Try one of these nine races across the country that will enlighten your t...

By Marc Lindsay