9 Things Runners Really Wish Race Spectators Handed Out

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These days, it's all about that post-race swag. Flashy medals, custom technical shirts, delicious food and post-race beer tents are just a few of the perks runners look forward to at the finish. But where's the love for runners during the race? While tiny cups of Gatorade and water are great and all, we're dreaming about kicking the spectating game up a notch.

Here are a few things we really wish spectators would hand out at our next race.
Actual Bottles of Water or Gatorade
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Look, coordination isn't always easy while running. Too often, we miss the handoff or drop a cup at a water stop and continue running—only to spend the next few miles agonizing over our suddenly parched throat.

We'd love to see spectators hand out individual bottles in between water stops. They're easier to grab and the liquid won't jostle everywhere. Plus, individual bottles allow you to hang on to the bottle and run—just like the elites—taking sips as needed and, ultimately, ingesting more fluid.
Ice Cold Washcloths
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Running makes you hot. Really hot. An icy-cold washcloth on your head or neck can help reduce your core body temperature on a warm race day, allowing you to run faster for longer. Bonus: You can use it to wipe the sweat off your face before those race photos.
Fresh Legs
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Yes, while technically impossible, I'd love to see spectators hand runners a fresh set of legs (I'll take Kenyan ones!) around mile 20. That would make that last 10K of the marathon a lot more enjoyable! We can dream, right?
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While the jury is still out on whether chewing gum can boost your running performance, some studies suggest that it can increase your alertness, improve your mood and ward off boredom. There are also gums with added caffeine (Run Gum, Jolt and Gorilla Gum, to name a few) that may help you find that extra gear towards the end of your race.
Nostalgic Candy From Your Childhood
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I don't know about you, but I could totally go for some Pop Rocks at mile 15.
Small Bags of Ice Cubes
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Again, keeping your core temperature low as long as possible is one of the keys to running well in the heat. Handing out small bags of ice to the runners would allow them to stuff the ice in their hats, shorts or sports bras, providing a cooling boost as the ice melts.
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On a hot day, there's nothing quite like an ice-cold beer. And on race day, we love seeing spectators cheering on runners while drinking a chilled craft brew. We just wish you'd offer us one.
An "Inspiration Stop"
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Every race inevitably has some rough patches, but an inspiration stop could make all the difference. Hear me out: Write funny sayings, inspirational quotes or random jokes on little slips of paper just to make us smile. Anything to break up the monotony of those tough middle miles!
Snow Cones
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While it might be a bit tough to eat and run, downing a snow cone on the course could help runners lower their core body temperature—enabling them to run for longer before the heat limited their performance. Research supports the idea of having a frozen slushy before racing in the heat to improve performance, but why stop there? A mid-race snow cone stop would help put some pep back in our steps. Bonus: A Gatorade snow cone would knock out cooling, hydration and electrolytes all in one!
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