The 12 Stages of Your First Marathon

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7) Defeat

Soon after you question your sanity, defeat may set in. You may consider a DNF or maybe simply walking the last 10K. Either way, you feel like you can't continue.


8) Prayer/Begging

Whether you're religious or not, you find someone or something to ask for help. "If you'll promise that I won't die, I won't curse for the next year."


9) Determination/Willpower

The willpower stage sets in as you get closer to the finish line. You've already come this far--there's no turning back now.


More: How to Become a Morning Runner

10) Grit/Toughness

This is the "Rocky Stage," which includes thoughts of grit, greatness and tenacity. No matter how much pain you're in, there's nothing that can stop you from finishing. Brownie points if your spouse's name is Adrian.


11) Elation

Stage 11 comes on the millisecond after you cross the finish line. You're so happy that you forget all pain, all negativity and all self-doubt. You could maybe even run longer if you needed to.


12) Exhaustion

OK, maybe not on that running longer thought. The final stage provides the satisfaction that you've done what you set out to do and can wear your blisters as a badge of honor. You will be sore for days and not walk straight for a few more. But you, my friend, are a marathoner.


More: Marathon Runners to Raise Funds for Paralyzed Veterans of America

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