The Most Ridiculous Running Stock Photos

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Every day, thousands of writers, editors and designers flock to stock image websites to look for visuals that will supplement their various projects. Image topics are so broad, you can likely find an image for just about any search query under the moon.

Here at, we often use relevant running images from stock sites to complement our articles. But sometimes, the things we find while searching leave us scratching our heads or laughing hysterically.

Here are some of the weirdest and most ridiculous results we found in our search for running stock photos.
Not the Best Footwear Choice
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It's nearly impossible to walk in ski boots, let alone run.
Running to Death
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We have so many questions: Why is a skeleton running? Why is he in the desert? Why is he on a computer? Does the touchpad work if you don't have skin?
Did Something Die in There?
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First rule of running shoes: Don't ever smell them.
Terrible Form
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Who taught you to run, an alien?
A Runner's Diet
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You're supposed to eat your fruits and veggies, not wear them.
Sky Runner
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There was no shortage of nerdy runner options, but is he running or jumping on a trampoline?
Nature Run
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Just a girl. On a treadmill. Outside.
Ho Ho Hill Repeats
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So that's how Santa stays fit in the off-season.
Super Running Man
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Actually, this one might not be that ridiculous. Some days, it takes superhero powers just to get out the door.
Next Time, Go Down a Size
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She's catching some serious wind-resistance.
Pink Sasquatch
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At least he's comfortable enough with his masculinity to wear pink.
I Deserve This
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I'm pretty sure that's not how fueling works.
Attack of the Evil Farmer
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We're not even sure what to say about this one.
Oh, the Chafing
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At least he color-coordinated.
Picture Perfect
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It's really unfortunate that all four of these women's ponytail holders broke seconds before they started their run. It's a miracle they're still smiling.
Will Run for Bananas
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"Mommy, look."

"It's rude to point, Susie."
Preparing for a Zombie Apocalypse
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Or maybe her running partner has some rank B.O.
On Your Marks
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You're gonna regret that white T-shirt, dude.
Giant Ghost Runner
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Is this supposed to scare or motivate us? Either way, it's strange.
Wrong Kind of Fuel
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In fact, we highly discourage drinking gas.
Udderly Happy
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This cow is insanely happy to be running. I wish that were how I felt on every run.
Hey Everyone, Look at My Abs!
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There's probably a hidden wind machine at play here.
Stay Hydrated
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Does this remind anyone else of George Costanza?
How Do I Look, Tiffany?
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Isn't it amazing how they can run without breaking a sweat or smudging their perfect makeup?
Not Fooling Anyone
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We know those glasses aren't real.
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