Couch to 5K Training Guide

Training Plans, Tips & Advice for Beginning Runners

Couch to 5K Running Articles

Why You Should Vary Your Running Terrain

The top three reasons to vary terrain: build power and speed, prevent injury and add diversity to your routine. Learn how to implement these variat...

Are You Really a Beginning Runner?

One important question new runners often neglect before they begin training: Are you really a beginning runner? Take this quiz to find out.

How to Improve VO2 Max

Runners can improve VO2 max with mileage and interval training, but how many miles and how much intensity? Depends on how much you want to improve.


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Couch to 5K®

Couch to 5K®

The best way to get new runners off the couch and across the finish line of their first 5K.

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Meet Our Experts

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Pete Rea

Pete Rea has been the head coach at ZAP Fitness, a Reebok-sponsored Team USA Training Center, since the facility's opening in 2002