Tai Chi
Almaden Community Center • 6445 Camden Ave. San Jose, CA 95120 Organized by City of San Jose Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services DepartmentAbout this event
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The tai chi class is open to beginners, intermediate and advanced practicioners. After a warm-up session involving all class registrants, the class will split into a beginners group and an intermediate/advanced group, eachgroup to be led by a dedicated volunteer. The beginners will work on the basics of Yang style tai chi. They will learn the names of and practice individual forms or movements and incorporate them into a sequence of formsto comprise the 24-form tai chi. The intermediate/advanced sessions will comprise of several kinds of lessons: (a) refinement of the 24-form tai chi, (b) learning and practicing other forms of tai chi: 13-form, 37-form, 42-form,108-form, (c) learning and practicing sword and fan forms of tai chi.Class registrants are encouraged to wear clothing that will not hinder movement of legs and arms.
Community Center
Almaden Community Center
AL Gymnasium at Almaden Community Center
PRNS Volunteer
Age and Gender
Tai Chi
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