Coed Indoor Volleyball - Thursday Mohave C - Indiv.
MOHV - Gym (NR) • 5520 N 86th ST Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Organized by City of ScottsdaleAbout this event
Use this activity to sign up as an individual and be added to a "free agent" team.Adult Indoor Volleyball (18 and older)Coed league (3 males, 3 females)Non-officiatedPlay double-header matches once a week on selected day14 match regular seasonAll teams qualify for the single-elimination tournament
Gym location is subject to change depending on availability. Early registration ends on February 16. Registration prices will increase by 10% after this date. For more information, or to access the rules, waiver form, or schedules, please visit our website.
Age Category
Adult 14+
MOHV - Gym (NR) at Mohave Middle School
Adult Sports Staff
Age and Gender
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