Swimming-Clinic #2: Dev Group- 2nd-5th 3/22-4/14
Organized by The Villages Youth Sports ClubAbout this event
Swimmers will need to arrive at the pool dressed and ready to go. Locker rooms will only be available for use of the restroom. Swimmers need to have the following equipment to participate:
Competition bathing suit (one pieces only)
Swimming Cap
Water Bottle
These can be purchased on Swim Outlet or at a local sporting goods store. If there is a question about appropriate swim attire, please reach out to the coaches.
Developmental Group- Grades 2-5
Tuesday and Thursday 5:00-6:00- Laurel Manor Pool
Developmental program requirements
Must be able to swim one length of the pool freestyle
Must be comfortable floating and swimming on their back
January 31 - April 14, 2022
9:00 PM
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday