Elite athletes tend to begin their base period following a one-to four-week break at the end of their season. But if you're not coming off a big marathon or running to pay the bills—or support your alma mater—you can begin your base period at any time.
More: A Runner's Guide to Base Building
A base period can last four weeks—or four months. One month is about the minimum time I'd recommend in which to reap significant physiological gains. My athletes complete a six-week base period between the end of cross-country and the beginning of indoor track.
More: How to Increase Your Miles
During base training, lose the interval sessions. Initially, 90 to 95 percent of your weekly mileage should consist of easy aerobic runs and the long run. Your pace should be conversational, and the effort should not exceed 60 to 80 percent of your max heart rate—well below your lactate threshold.
More: The Power of Pace and Heart Rate Training
The primary emphasis of base building is on aerobic mileage. However, once you reach week three of base time, running an occasional lactate-threshold workout like a tempo, rolling hill, or marathon-pace run will improve both your strength and running efficiency. Six to eight weeks in, add a second threshold workout. If you keep the effort controlled—under 90 percent of your max—you will continue to increase strength without burning out.
More: 3 Reasons Strength Training Will Improve Your Runs
Get your long run up to 90 minutes as early in the base training as possible. Run at least that long every two or three weekends. This will further increase capillarization, improve your body's ability to burn fat, and keep you accustomed to time on your feet.