Physical ability is only one consideration when deciding which distance is right for you, especially as you contemplate longer distances. You should also consider your financial resources, available training time, location, course elevation, physical strengths and weaknesses and long-term goals.
To make the best choice possible, ask yourself the following questions when deciding which race distance will promote your best performance.
Why do I want to train?
1 of 6What's your motivation? Know your list of "whys," because you will refer to it often when you feel unmotivated, apathetic and tired—trust me. I encourage my athletes to write down a "why" every day, so they always have an extensive list of reasons. The more personal your motivation, the better your chance at success. Be as detailed as possible, because the more you can express your feelings, the more effort you'll be willing to put into achieving your goals.
Your Next RaceDoes my family/work support my goals?
2 of 6This one goes a long way in determining which distance you should race, because it often dictates how long you'll be away from home. Often overlooked, the cost to family and work life is just as important to consider as any financial cost. Is your family or employer on board with your goals? Do they feel resentful or neglected when you're training? Does training make you a better spouse/parent, or does it drain you of the energy to be present for them? If your family is busy with their own activities, consider keeping your distances shorter and your training time to a minimum. Those are precious hours you will never get back. Similarly, involve your family as much as possible with your training. Plot out your schedule and plan "training getaways" together. Be creative and pick family-friendly course venues. Turn your race into a vacation for them!
Your Next RaceDo I have good time management skills?
3 of 6If you don't cope well with stressful situations or multi-tasking, stick with shorter races that don't involve as much juggling. As my husband likes to say, "I train to relieve stress in my life, not create it." Do you feel like your training schedule puts you on the verge of a mental and emotional meltdown? If so, relax and cut back. Even if you have to move your race to a more advantageous time, rest assured, endurance events are not going away any time soon. When you're spinning work, family, friend and training plates, one of them is bound to crash if you're not in balance.
Your Next RaceWhat are my physical strengths and weaknesses?
4 of 6It's vital to know as much as you can about your current level of health and fitness to have the best training and race day experience. I certainly recommend a comprehensive work-up from a doctor prior to starting any training regime. Know your family history and take any necessary precautions to protect your health. You may also choose to work with a Registered Dietitian if weight loss and optimal body composition is a goal.
Be honest with yourself about your aptitude and experience level. If you're afraid to put your face in the water of a pool, don't sign up for an IRONMAN with an ocean swim. Make it a long-term goal, but stick with shorter distances until your confidence grows. If cycling power is a weakness, spend a season or two working on strength. Hire a coach who will balance your schedule as you work on your weaknesses and improve your strengths. Ultimately, check your ego at the door and be open to learning new skill sets. Efficient and smart training alleviates a lot of the fatigue, injury and burnout that can occur in endurance sports when people attempt to go too long too fast.
Your Next RaceKeep Your Goals in Mind
5 of 6For some, just crossing the finish line can provide a lifetime of pride. Some feel the urge to go long. Others prefer the speed and power of short distance races. As you go about your distance decision process, continually ask yourself the questions outlined here to make sure you remain aligned with your purpose. Most importantly, make sure to have fun and enjoy the journey to being your best!
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