A Breakdown of the Cycling Pedal Stroke

Pedaling a bike is more than clipping in and letting the circular mechanics of the chain ring and crank arm do the work for you. Riders need to dir...

By Marc Evans

3 Rules to Ramp Up Your Training

Are you anxious to kick things up a notch in preparation for spring? Follow these rules and workouts to increase your training miles safely and eff...

By Dave Scott

How to Keep Triathlon Costs in Check

Triathlon racing comes with a price tag that can be pretty hefty. Use these tips to control your expenses...and keep peace in your household.

By Miriam Zacharias

How CrossFit Can Benefit Triathletes

When done correctly, CrossFit can help athletes get over a frustrating plateau of persistent injury and stale performance, and onto an upward athle...

By Nathan Helming

Nutrition Case Study: The Fourth Discipline

How could an athlete dedicate so much time to this sport, yet crash and burn at every race distance? Dietitian Amanda Cassell breaks down the ins a...

By Amanda Cassell

How to Excel at the Ironman Swim

With 2500 bodies churning the water around you, there is a lot of chaos during the Ironman swim. Here are four tips to help you survive, and even e...

By Rich Strauss

Treadmill Training With Dave Scott

Practice leg turnover and build muscular endurance with this treadmill workout from Ironman Champion Dave Scott.

By Dave Scott

How to Train the High Elbow Catch in Swimming

Grab hold of more water with every stroke: Here, triathlon coach Marc Evans outlines the keys to a more efficient catch and provides a workout to g...

By Marc Evans