Executing the forearm pass is key to building momentum and keeping your team's scoring chances intact.
Here is a simple step-by-step approach to ensure your forearm pass technique is on track—and you're playing your best when your team is on the attack.
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Body Position
Start with your body feet wide apart, hands in front and palms to the ceiling. Feet should be at least shoulder width apart.
Position is low and balanced with feet pointing straight ahead. Arms and shoulders are relaxed.
Shoulders are forward and hips are back. Hands ahead of head. Head ahead of shoulders, shoulders ahead of knees, knees ahead of feet. Hands are inside of knees and knees are inside of feet.
Sweet Spot
The ball should come off the same spot on your lower forearm (just above the wrist) each time by following these guidelines:
- Checkpoint: Look to see where your forearms are red after passing.
- Hips and One: Keep the hips back throughout the pass. If you need to swing you arms, the arms should swing in only one direction while passing.
- Redirect: Make sure your forearms face in the direction you want the ball to go. Start out facing the server and always face the ball when you pass. The path of the ball should arc to the top of the net.
- Consistent Contact Point: Contact every ball at waist height and be as consistent as possible.
- Short Ball: Move to a short ball by starting with a left step and ending with a left- right step.
Use the same fundamentals if possible each time you employ the forearm pass to ensure consistent and successful peformance.