Couch to 5K Training Guide

Training Plans, Tips & Advice for Beginning Runners

Couch to 5K Running Articles

5K Races Just for Women

Whether you're an advance runner looking to improve your speed or a firsttime walker, these events are perfect for all levels.

How Do I Run a Faster 5K?

Running a faster 5K is possible once you identify the key elements that need attention. Follow these three steps to achieve your 5K PR.


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Couch to 5K®

Couch to 5K®

The best way to get new runners off the couch and across the finish line of their first 5K.

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Meet Our Experts

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Pete Rea

Pete Rea has been the head coach at ZAP Fitness, a Reebok-sponsored Team USA Training Center, since the facility's opening in 2002