Taking a look at the Garmin fenix 8 AMOLED and all of the amazing new features.
Want to run a half marathon in the Midwest? These six races offer a spectacular race experience you won't forget.
Build your endurance in 20 minutes by adding short workouts to your training.
Hit the road with a partner and try these five workouts to spice up your running routine.
Six months ago, Ginger was a couch dog. Today, she glides through my ultra-distance training runs. Here's how I trained her.
Need one reason to lace up your shoes? How about 600? That's the number of retirement-age runners in the New England 65 Plus Club who haven't let y...
What's all the hype around barefoot running? Find out why people are shedding their footwear, and why you might want to.
Race a 5K to reboot your routine, rev up your fitness, and have a little fun.
Ever thought about running in Ragnar? Get a behind the scenes look at what really goes on during this race series.