A ground-breaking trail running shoe that blends comfort and performance, from 10-kilometer runs to 100-mile ultra-trails.
If you're training for a 5K for the first time, or the first time in a long time, these five tips will put you on the right track to cross the fini...
If you're a newbie runner and aren't sure how fast to run, don't worry. Learn the basics of how to incorporate speed work for the best results.
Marathon training can feel all-encompassing, but it doesn't have to be. Learn how to balance 26.2-mile prep with life, work, setbacks and family.
How do you know that you're a runner? When certain habits become second nature, you've become one of us. Check out this fun look at runners' quirks.
Studies have shown that low-carb diets do indeed increase fat burning during running. But, how does this affect performance?
How do you know the difference between normal aches and true pain, which can be the sign of something more serious? Here's how to tell.
Want to get leaner for your next marathon? Active Expert Matt Fitzgerald studied the diets of elite runners for years, and shares their secrets.
Too many people rush into high mileage training programs and wind up injured. Learn to run well before you run more. Here's how.