Nutrition Guide

Nutrition Articles & Advice

Juicing for Pre-workout

There's a myth that you should avoid eating before working out. The truth isyour body needs fuel to provide energy for your workout. Juicing can be...

9 Safe-Grilling Tips

Grilling meat at high temps can cause chemical reactions that release some nasty toxins in our bodies. But fear not: You don't have to become a veg...

Light and Easy Pumpkin Ravioli Recipe

We lightened this sweet and nutty fall favorite by losing the heavy cream. Our other secret: Wonton wrappers make for perfect, easy "pasta."

Your Post-Holiday Nutrition Plan

Just because you fall off the nutritional wagon during the holidays doesn't mean you can't get back on again. Use these tips to get back on track t...

Red Potato and Rosemary Terrine Recipe

This simple, rustic side dish is flavorful and healthy. It includes ironrich rosemary and red potatoes, as well as immuneboosting garlic.

Top Foods That Boost and Sap Energy

What you eat can help you to stay energized, or may make you fizzle out. Here, we break down the best and worst foods for maintaining high energy.


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Matt Fitzgerald

Matt Fitzgerald is an acclaimed endurance sports writer and training intelligence specialist for PEAR Sports.