Couch to 5K Training Guide

Training Plans, Tips & Advice for Beginning Runners

Couch to 5K Running Articles

Infographic: Male Runners vs. Female Runners

Are running motivators different for men and women? Are women more active on social media than men? See how you stack up against the runners survey...

23 Strategies for Running Your Best 5K

To run your best 5K, your need to combine running with strength and power training. Learn how, plus more strategies to race your fastest 5K.

Is Your Training Pace Fast Enough?

To get faster, you'll need to work the aerobic and anaerobic systems. Here's how you can incorporate a variety of workouts so you can avoid a perfo...

The Best Race-Week 5K Workout

You're one week away from a 5K, and it's your goal to run the best time you can. Complete this workout during race week to prime your body to race ...


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Meet Our Experts

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Pete Rea

Pete Rea has been the head coach at ZAP Fitness, a Reebok-sponsored Team USA Training Center, since the facility's opening in 2002